Faces behind Chainbalance - Anton Evseev

Britta Dünschede Junior Marketing Manager
Britta Dünschede
· 2 min read
Anton Evseev

Hemingway, Schwarzenegger, Programming? What do these things have in common? They are all things Anton enjoys. He has worked as a Full-Stack Developer at Chainbalance for nearly seven years, but how did he start programming? What else does he enjoy in his free time? Let’s find out!

Anton discovered his passion for programming in school and decided to deepen his knowledge by pursuing a degree in Electronics Engineering at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics. Always leaning towards the technical side, it was clear that he became interested in Software Engineering. After completing his degrees, he started working at a bank and various IT companies, where he gained valuable experience, sharpened his skills, and deepened his knowledge in software development. Nearly seven years ago, a friend told him about an open position at Chainbalance as a Full-Stack Developer.

Anton Evseev

“Working with such talented and supportive colleagues in a positive environment is incredibly motivating.”

Anton Evseev
Full-Stack Developer

The blend of creativity and problem-solving his job requires is what Anton enjoys the most. Programming is a constant challenge of finding innovative solutions, and he finds great satisfaction in seeing his work come to life and benefit the users of the solution. At Chainbalance, he values the team, the atmosphere, and the continuous development of both the product and the team. “Working with such talented and supportive colleagues in a positive environment is incredibly motivating.”, he adds. He further highlights that being part of a company dedicated to evolving and improving its product and people makes every day rewarding and exciting. 

Besides programming, Anton enjoys exploring nature during walks or cycling. To relax and recharge, he also loves to read a good book or watch a movie. He never gets tired of reading his favorite book, “The Old Man and the Sea,” by Ernest Hemingway, or watching his favorite movie, “Terminator.”