From strumming electric guitar chords and cycling to IT Infrastructure Engineer at Chainbalance. Ihor Bazhan does not only excel in his role at Chainbalance, but also brings a unique blend of passion and expertise to the table. What inspired him to work in the world of IT? What is his favorite band to jam on his guitar? Get a coffee and learn more about one of our magicians behind the scenes.
When one of his friends invited him to work as a radio board operator at a radio station in 2004, the world of technology opened for Ihor. The colorful mix of equipment, including computers, impressed him and influenced his future career choice. After a long journey of self-discovery in various IT fields, such as software development, debugging, and dump analysis, his path led him to study computer systems and networks at the Kherson National Technical University. With his bachelor’s degree and previously acquired skills, it was easy to start working in IT infrastructure, both on-premises and in the cloud.
He freelanced and worked for different IT companies until a friend invited him to look into Chainbalance. Here, he found a fast-growing company where he could experiment and develop – exactly what he was looking for.
Ihor values the opportunity Chainblanace provides for continuous development. Unlike traditional roles where one might be confined to maintaining existing infrastructure, we encourage our team to actively participate in evolving the company's infrastructure. “This has a positive impact on both the company and my personal growth as an Infrastructure Engineer,” he adds. Other advantages include being independent in his work, being trusted to determine his priorities, and managing his time. Collaborating with fellow professionals in a warm and friendly atmosphere, as well as the camaraderie among our team, is something he enjoys and values highly as it improves the overall work experience.

Outside of work, Ihor has diverse interests, which provide him with energy vital for his self-improvement. From playing the electric guitar (preferably Metallica) to cross-country, downhill cycling, and exploring new locations, spending his free time with physical activity and music motivates him to continue pursuing his passions.